We understand how busy you are. That’s why we’ve developed our proprietary set of service guarantees.
We take our profession seriously. You can always expect clean trucks and uniforms, on-time appointments, clear communication, and emails answered within one business day.
We never overpromise. By giving you a clear and detailed estimate and committing to realistic timelines, we deliver your project exactly as promised: on time and on budget.
Working with EIFS, plaster and masonry can get messy. We work to minimize it by moving and covering furniture if needed, keeping our work area organized at all times and cleaning your home at the end of the project, leaving it exactly as we found it.
Your home’s finishes ought to look as good as they work. Our master craftsmen are trained to slow down and pay attention to every detail, both the ones you see...and the ones you don’t.
To get started, call 905.304.9998, email office@schuit.ca or fill out the form.